New South Associates (NSA) Museum Services Program manages and curates exhibits, content, and archival storage.

Good exhibits start with a plan. What is the main idea? What do you want the visitor to take away? We ask the big questions and work with you to develop a cohesive exhibit plan customized to your space.

Writing for exhibits takes a different skill set than academic writing. It needs to be accessible to a wide audience, from school children to senior citizens, engaging, and concise. NSA exhibit content writers strive to meet those criteria to create thought-provoking and informational scripts.

We’ve all heard the expression that a picture is worth a thousand words. Imagery helps support the script and is an essential part of any exhibit. NSA sources exhibit imagery from a variety of sources to enhance the stories we tell.

NSA has worked with a variety of clients to develop interior and exterior exhibits. Our talented graphic specialists and content developers work together to produce visually stimulating and informational exhibits that combine interpretive panels, interactives, and artifact displays in a variety of settings.

Curation and collections management includes the selection, organization, and physical management of historic artifacts and documents owned by an organization. NSA can help select objects to go on display and prepare others for long-term archival storage. We can also help organizations inventory and organize their collections.