About New South Associates
New South Associates (NSA) has conducted over 5,500 cultural resource management projects across the United States and Caribbean since our founding in 1988.

Our Mission: Bringing the Past to Life
New South Associates is a community of professionals that study culture. We research, excavate, measure, read, and listen to the information that individuals, documents, and artifacts tell us about the past. Our passion is bringing together these pieces into a story that enlivens our collective knowledge of American culture in our home communities, states, regions, and country.
In our over 35 years of experience, we have honed our technical skills producing thousands of professionally prepared technical reports and documentations including HABS, HAER and HALS deliverables. We believe in well written and illustrated reports that reflect new technologies and ways to communicate results. We are equally proud to note that our work has expanded beyond technical reports into popular reports, brochures, interpretive signs and posters, conferences and public addresses, videos, websites, and professional journals and books.
A Multifaceted Team for a Fuller Picture
Each New South Associates team member has specialties but what really differentiates us from other cultural resource firms is our ability to bring it all together. From reconnaissance and geophysics to preservation planning to public interpretation, we have the experts and experience to maintain governmental compliance and best practices.
We are proud of the feeling of community within New South Associates, and we strive to nourish it through training, communication, and positive feedback. We value the ideas and recommendations of all of our staff and work as a team.

Experts in Historic Preservation Compliance
Cultural resource management as practiced today is a result of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), passed in 1966. In the wake of urban renewal projects that damaged, destroyed, and altered many historic neighborhoods across the country, Congress recognized the importance of preserving important places that tell our stories. Section 106 of the NHPA states that federal agencies must consider the effects of their undertakings on historic properties and provide the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) a chance to comment. The ACHP has defined this process, codified at 36 CFR 800, to include identification of historic properties, evaluation of them for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP), assessing effects, and resolving adverse effects through avoidance, minimization, or mitigation. NSA is an expert firm that specializes in Section 106 and Section 110 studies for state and federal agencies, non-governmental organizations, museums and foundations, and private individuals.
Cultural Resource Management studies may be required as part of environmental planning for many types of infrastructure projects, especially if federal or state governments are involved. Businesses, organizations, and even private individuals might also need CRM services to help them research, preserve, or interpret a resource under their control.

Partnering with Public and Private Entities
New South Associates serves a large range of clients including top environmental firms, premier developers, private entities, and governments, providing insights on archaeological sites, historic buildings, bridges, and districts; cemeteries; cultural landscapes; and traditional cultural properties.
Our clients are an essential part of our professional community whether we simply provide guidance or project results or actively team to achieve project goals. We are proud of our ability to partner with our clients and agencies to meet project objectives while also contributing to our knowledge of America’s past.

Dedicated to Volunteerism
We are a community of volunteers. Our staff regularly participate in public presentations, career days, state archaeology month events, and community preservation programs as well as serve as Historic Preservation Commissioners and members of National Register of Historic Places review boards. Our staff also support a number of state, regional, and national societies in a variety of roles: as committee members, editors, board members, and executives. Finally, as a corporation, we provide financial support and sponsorships to a number of state and local historic preservation organizations.
We are dedicated to the past as individuals and as a business, and our volunteerism connects us to the communities that share our love of heritage and the past.