LGBTQ+ Context – City of Atlanta’s Historic LGBTQ+ Places

Working alongside Historic Atlanta and the Department of City Planning, New South Associates completed a historic context for significant LGBTQ+ historic resources in Atlanta and identified the places that matter in this history. The historic context defines nine historic themes that can be used to better understand the history of Atlanta’s LGBTQ+ places. These themes provide context on areas of Atlanta history that proved pivotal for the LGBTQ+ communities. From early anti-lesbian and gay state laws, municipal ordinances, and police harassment to the origins of the city’s LGBTQ+ Rights Movement and growing political activism among its residents; from religion to healthcare; from arts and culture to community life; these themes provide a context for understanding the physical places associated with Atlanta’s LGBTQ+ community.

This document serves as a valuable resource for future researchers, helping them apply for local landmark designations and nominate these spaces to the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). While this study does not make NRHP eligibility determinations, it does provide guidance on how to evaluate these resources for nomination to the NRHP. It also includes case studies that illustrate how the NRHP evaluative framework, and the nine identified themes can be used to evaluate and nominate historic LGBTQ+ associated resources to the NRHP. This historic context statement hopefully will be used as a model for other communities as they seek to understand the history and significance of LGBTQ+ resources in their home communities.


New South Associates was awarded the 2023 Award of Excellence for Historic Preservation for the Atlanta LGBTQ+ Historic Context Statement. This award honors achievements in historic preservation and is presented by the Atlanta Urban Design Commission. New South hopes the report will contribute to the continued acknowledgement and preservation of important LGBTQ+ spaces in the city of Atlanta and beyond.