Posters and Brochures

Brochure2brochure1Outreach media, such as posters and brochures, are an effective means of communicating history and archaeology to the public. Brochures and pamphlets can be used to present the history of an area or development and can be provided to residents for their benefit and enjoyment. For example, New South Associates developed a brochure on historic housing at Maxwell Airfield, Alabama, that described the building’s architecture and also illuminated some of the distinguished airmen who had resided there. These brochures were provided by the Air Force to the residents of the housing district and helped them to recognize their association with Maxwell’s history. Posters and brochures can also be used to celebrate historic events; for the Savannah River Site’s 50th Anniversary, New South Associates prepared a pamphlet entitled Patriots of the Atomic Age that was distributed to the plant’s current and former employees. New South Associates has also prepared tri-fold brochures on a variety of topics, including Cold War architecture, prehistoric archaeology, the history of tenancy, and cultural resource laws and regulations that provide our clients with handouts to provide to visitors and guests that deal with topics of interest.

TRBPosterPosters can be developed to visually convey information about the past. Often combining historical and archaeological imagery with quotes or titles, posters offer an effective means of conveying the feel of a location’s history to visitors to that place. New South Associates’ talented NatchezPostergraphics personnel have designed an array of posters on a variety of subjects, many of which are framed and can be found in offices around the southeast. New South Associates prepared Georgia’s Archaeology Month posters from 2004 to 2007 as part of our sponsorship, and the 2004 poster (Georgia’s Frontiers in the Soil) finished second in a national competition on archaeology month posters held by the Society for American Archaeology.

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